The importance of hydration
Drinking enough is important
Being hydrated is something we don’t always pay much attention to, but it is still important to think about how much you drink.
For those of a more active inclination, you know when you really need to drink. Your throat is dry, you may be sweating, perspiring or glowing – whichever term you prefer to use – and your body is telling you it is time to have a drink.
Plenty to choose from
In modern society you have a range of options to choose from. Should you opt for a hot or cold drink? Carbonated or flat? With added minerals or just as it comes.
The possibilities are there for all to see but one of the best for your body is just plain water and this is something that most people know.
You only have to look at the shelves in the shops to see that water in all its forms is a popular choice but is that really the best way to get your water.
Do you really need bottled water?
In the UK, with the high standards of drinking water, there really is no reason for anyone to be buying bottled water.
While it is an option if you have been caught out and need to have a drink, bottled water is no better for you than anything you can get from the tap.
The contents of your interestingly shaped bottle, that has percolated down through a mixture of rocks and bubbled up on the side of a high mountain is actually no better at quenching your thirst than the water you can draw from your tap at home or anywhere else you can get access to mains water.
The downside of bottled water
And of course, the downside of bottled water is just that, it comes in a bottle, which is usually made of plastic. There are some where it is in glass, so its environmental credentials may vary from those of plastic but its still a bottle that will probably end up in the bin, or preferably the recycling centre.
There are those who do reuse the bottles, which is great, as reusing our resources is important but to get a cool drink from the fridge requires the energy it takes to keep the appliance at the right temperature.
Be prepared - take your own insulated bottle
So, an alternative to this is to have your own reusable, insulated bottle. The double skin helps to keep the contents cool, so even on a hot summer day, or a cooler one, as you get in the autumn, you can enjoy a cool drink to help quench your thirst – and cold water is known to quench your thirst more effectively.
To read more about quenching your thirst, click here.
If you would be interested in buying an insulated water bottle, click on this link.
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